The Story of the Sneaker Car...


Hannah & Sam test drive finished Sneaker Car complete with 20 ft. shoe-lace.

How we did it:

Hannah & Sam check out the Sneaker Car frame. Sam is holding up a Yankee bear for some reason.

Chicken wire, canvas and foam are applied to the Sneaker Car frame. We used yellow foam swimming Noodles for the trim.

Hannah & Sam apply Chroma-Key Blue paint to Sneaker Car. Under certain conditions this renders the Sneaker Car completely invisible.

Sneaker Car arrives on trailer at 2nd annual Artist's Soap Box Derby in Kingston, NY. We got some strange looks on the New York Thruway.

The Sneaker Car wins First Prize for Excellence and Creativity!!!

QUOTE OF THE DAY:          " Hey, you guys are gonna be a shoe-in!"

Questions, comments, and suggestions to Dean