DeanMail: April 23, 2010 - An Eyefull of Eyjafjallajokull + 2 new UK tour dates added: Cardiff & Tewkesbury |
Hey Guys,
But with most of Europe's airports open again (for now), I'm even more eagerly anticipating the upcoming UK/Ireland tour (plus upcoming US gigs) and the completion (fingers crossed) of my new album. So, in that spirit of renewed optimism, I'm pleased to announce the addition of two new UK tour dates: Cardiff - The Glee Club on Sunday, July 18 ORDER TICKETS and Tewkesbury - The Roses Theatre on Wednesday, July 28 ORDER TICKETS (This is Tewkesbury, UK and NOT Tewkesbury NJ) So, all you Cardiffians and Tewkesburyarians (?) can now stop complaining about having to drive a few extra miles to get to the nearest gig. (Just be glad you're not flying thousands of miles through volcanic ash to get there!) I should also note that my gig at the Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage - originally scheduled for July 18 - has been removed from my itinerary, for the idiotic reason that the venue programmer left the venue three months ago without notifying anyone of the booking (seriously). But I was finally able to squeeze in the Cardiff gig and it's always been my dream to spend the night in Tewkesbury. You might be interested to know that, even though my Tewkesbury gig is in England, there is actually another Tewkesbury in my home state of New Jersey. If you're curious to know the cost of a valid rabies vaccine certificate, for example, just visit their website at (It's $10.) And I should reiterate that my July 28 gig at the Roses Theatre is in Tewkesbury, UK and NOT in Tewkesbury, NJ. I guess I just like to say, Tewkesbury, over and over again. I have no idea why. In any case, you can (and should) order tickets to all my upcoming US & UK gigs, now, via my website: [Quick note: Last week my web server went down for a few hours and any email that was sent on Saturday afternoon April 17, regrettably, bounced-back, so if you happened to have sent a message immediately after my last DeanMail, I never got it, so kindly re-send. Unless it was an obnoxious or annoying email, in which case, please obnoxiously or annoyingly re-send it.] Truth be told, there's no guarantee that that pesky little Eyjafjallajokull (try saying that five times fast; O.K., try saying it just once, slowly! See? Can't be done!) won't become even more boisterous, grounding jet fleets worldwide; so I am making contingency plans, which involve a matter-antimatter particle transference replicator - a hi-tech fax machine, of sorts - that I've been working on in my spare time. I've only tested it on the monkey, so far, but initial results are promising, and with only minimal side effects; I always wanted a flying monkey. Aerial primates aside, though (as opposed to pot-smoking Jewish girls in peasant blouses), it did strike me how utterly taken-by-surprise the whole world seemed to be, by what is, essentially, an inevitable planetary event - in this case, a relatively minor geological burp. A sobering reminder of how fragile our existence is, living, as we do, on this dirt encrusted ball of lava, smack dab in the middle of - well, who knows where? I can't wait to see what happens when a major solar flare finally comes our way. I should probably re-press my albums onto vinyl, just in case! I guess that's all for now. Have a sun-drenched weekend (minus the magnetic pulse)! And watch out for that molten lava! Yours,
Deano Dean's 2010 UK/Ireland Tour is sponsored by the good folks at A place to find good music.
Play their Deano MegaQuiz contest for a chance to win £500 plus 2 concert tickets to my Dublin gig!
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