DeanMail: May - Dean Appearing 'Live' on WFUV w/ Pete Fornatale, this Saturday May 8th 4:00pm |
Hey Folks,
Speaking of the new album, all the basic tracks and many of the overdubs are done, I've just finished up all the lead vocals and I'll be busy the next few weeks recording the remaining overdubs, then mixing etc... Most of you know that my last few albums were financed by the very people on this email list, via my website, and if you'd like to participate on the new one, you still can. Just go to and click on the blue oval button labeled 'Order Dean's Next CD'. You folks lending a hand makes all the difference! Meanwhile, the Turning Point gig in Piermont, NY is just a few weeks away - Sunday, May 16th 4:00pm. One World Coffeehouse, Columbia, MD is a few weeks after that - May 29th, and the Water Color Cafe, Larchmont, NY a week after that - June 6. Then, before you know it, I'm on a plane (or rowboat) to Heathrow for the 2010 UK/Ireland tour. Of course, you can order your tickets online! Hope to see you at one of the gigs!
Anyway, that's all for now. Be well and don't let reality push you around - push back! ;-) Yours,
Deano Dean's 2010 UK/Ireland Tour is sponsored by - A place to find good music!
Play their Deano MegaQuiz contest for a chance to win £500 plus 2 concert tickets to my Dublin gig!
copyright (c) 2010 Dean Friedman Productions If you would like to be removed from Dean's email list, please send a reply email with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject. |