DeanMail - November 2011 - Giant Asteroid, Close But No CigarGig Alert: this Saturday, Nov. 12th, Rochester, NY - Harmony House |
Sure, climate change is wreaking havoc with our planet, the global economy is on life-support, Iran is even closer to getting the bomb and the multi-talented bombshell, Kim Kardashian... need I say more? But don't despair! The end may seem nigh, things may look bleak... but they could've been a whole lot worse. Disaster missed us by t-h-i-s m-u-c-h! A 1,300 foot wide asteroid (pictured above), named 2005 YU55 - who I'll call Yugo, for short - just narrowly missed pulverizing a chunk of our planet by a mere 201,700 miles! That may seem like a lot, but it's just a hop, skip and a jump, by any interplanetary measure. The slightest deflection in trajectory and the impact would have pushed Kim, Ahmadinejad and the GOP nominees right off the front page. Scientists estimate that if an asteroid that size were to hit Earth its impact could wipe out a city the size of Chicago. Now I don't have any gigs coming up in Chicago, but I do have one coming up in just a few days - this Saturday night, Nov. 12th in Rochester, NY at Harmony House. [order tickets] A convoluted segue you say? Flimsy at best? Definitely! But I hope to see some of you at the gig, anyway! ;-) Meanwhile, the UK/Ireland/France/Greece tour was great. As always my sincere thanks to all you good folks who came out to the concerts and made the tour such a success. Anyway, folks, be well, take care and keep an eye out for those pesky asteroids. Even Chicken Little gets it right once every few thousand years. See ya,
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