What we did on our UK adventure...
Volume 3, Issue 1- February '99
Hi Everybody,
First of all, a belated happy Groundhogs Day. February 2nd has always been one of my favorite holidays, a day when we all sit around the table in our groundhog costumes eating nuts and berries and making Groundhog sounds.
Anyway... We're finally back in the states after our 9 month UK adventure. Still decompressing, still unpacking, but glad to be home.
So anyway, here's how it went...
I didn't sell a million records, but...
- We saw a dozen drowsy donkeys in Cork.
- We rode on the top deck of the ferry to the Isle of White on a glorious summer day.
- We survived a high speed blowout on the M1. (Thanks Gordon)
- We saw two dozen rainbows in Ireland.
- We ate smoke salmon for breakfast and chicken korma for dinner.
- We babysat for Martha (A sweet English Spaniel with floppy ears)
- We saw Boyzone live at the Hanover Grand.
- We built a sand castle on the beach.
- We escaped a surging tide in Morecomb.
- We rode gas powered go-carts.
- We drove thousands of miles all over the UK and Ireland.
- We watched a game at the Fulham Football club.
- We saw lots of musicals in the west end.
- We played 32 shows in front of five thousand people.
- We saw David Strassman perform with his amazing puppets Chuck Wood & Ted E. Bear.
- We went to Lego Land (Except for me who had to do a radio show. Hmphh.)
- We saw the incredibly strange Birdmen of Bogner leap off a 50 foot pier into the freezing ocean.
- We went on the Cadbury Chocolate Factory Tour and ate too much chocolate.
- We saw the mystical Stonehenge.
- We lost 10 pounds at the Galway race track.
- We gained 10 pounds eating at Little Chef.
- We checked out of a room at a Traveler's Inn.
- We drove 300 miles and checked into another room at a different Traveler's Inn.
- We witnessed a performance by the legendary lounge crooner, Lenny Beige.
- We had a great time at the Cambridge and Guildford Festivals.
- We got busted for not having a TV license.
- We were waken one morning by the clopping hooves of 100 royal steeds parading outside our window.
In short...
We had a great time.
Now I just have to figure out what the hell to do next. (I'm open to suggestions)
By the way, just to alert you to the fact that our online credit card ordering facility (VISA & MASTERCARD ONLY) was temporarily down but it was fixed and is now WORKING FINE. Which means you are free to order all kinds of cool stuff including kids cassettes and posters. (note: anyone awaiting CD orders, new stock has just arrived from the UK so the latest shipment of "Songs For Grownups" will go out this week)
http://deanfriedman.com (go to Order area)
Also some of you may have noticed that the chat-area in the Hob-Nobbin' section was broken but that too has been fixed and is WORKING FINE plus I added a GENERAL COMMENTS section for adding, well, you know, GENERAL COMMENTS. You're all invited to drop by the CHAT AREA to post remarks and say how you felt about the tour or the album or the weather or the impeachment proceedings.
http://deanfriedman.com (go to Hob-Nobbin' area)
Finally, I'd just like to say thanks again to all of you for your kind remarks and generous support throughout the past year. It's always nice hearing from you and seeing you at the shows.
Speaking of gigs, nothing's confirmed at the moment but I'll probably be playing in New York sometime around May/June and there's a possibility I'l be doing the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August. I'll keep you posted once any dates are confirmed. That's all for now.
Be well, take care, and have a happy, healthy new year. Talk to you soon.
Questions, comments, and suggestions to Dean |