Tour Dates 2004
Volume 8, Issue 2 - March 2, 2004
Hey Gang,
How's it going? I hope you've all had an O.K. month.
As for me, a whole lot of annoying things happened this month, but at the end of the day, everyone's healthy, so I can't really complain.
But I will anyway!
For example, that #*?@ing cat, Bitty. Every night he insists on walking over my head to get to Alison's side of the bed. Not around my head, which would be easy enough, but over my head. He does this on purpose, just to annoy me and prove how much status he has in this household. To prove that I can't even kick him out of my own bed - and he's RIGHT, I can't!
And it doesn't end there. Nope. Then, I've got to try getting back to sleep while he begins purring - loudly! Alison claims the sound of his purring is soothing and lulls her to sleep.
I find it about as soothing as a gas-powered, chain saw.
Oh, and by the way, anyone that is still under the mistaken impression that, just because I live in a house full of animals - cats, dog, monkey, a pair of visiting hamsters - I must love animals, well, sorry to disillusion you, but some animals - a certain black and white cat,
first initial 'B', comes readily to mind - I just tolerate, barely!
Here's a picture of this insufferable cat..
Meanwhile, I've been getting a lot of songwriting done. Some new tunes I think you'll get a kick out of. I've also been spending most mornings on the phone to the UK booking a summer tour and making arrangements to return to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. There are still a few more dates to fill in before they go on sale, but for the moment here's what it looks like:
23 Burgess Hill Martlets Hall
24 London ULU / University of London
27 Exmoor Raleigh's Cross Inn [ORDER TICKETS: 01984-634900 for Exmoor only]
29 Lytham St. Annes Lowther Pavilion
30 Manchester Manchester Academy
31 Liverpool Liverpool Academy
6-22 Edinburgh Fringe Festival [Venue to be announced]
7 Richmond Richmond Live Festival!
23 Edinburgh Brunton Theatre
[Tickets to the Exmoor gig should already be on sale by the time you get this email. Tickets to all the other gigs will go on sale in another two weeks or so. Stay tuned. ]
Oh, there is one important thing to mention at this point: TOUR SPONSORS WANTED!
As an indy musician and as with previous tours, it's simply impossible for me to pull this off without the active financial support of a handful of sponsors. Sponsors help pay for upfront costs such as printing, advertising, venue hire deposits, airfare, car rental, manufacturing, etc... In the past, generous sponsors, mostly right from this email list have included UKSounds.com, Brewin Dolphin Securities, PearTreehouse.com and a few other brave individuals (You know who you are - thanks guys) who've gone out on a limb to support my music and make it possible for me to do things like this upcoming tour.
So, if you'd like to help make it all happen, if you're a business that would like to publicize your product or services to a select and highly sophisticated targeted audience of oddballs and misfits... (just kidding you guys), or if you're just someone that digs independent music and happens to have the wherewithal plus inclination to lend a hand, why not become a sponsor for the next Dean Friedman UKTour and Edinburgh Fringe Festival appearances?
If you're curious here's what sponsorship gets you:
Full Sponsorship benefits will consist of inclusion in all
advertising/marketing/promotional materials - both offline and online:
* Inclusion of Sponsor (name, logo and website) in ALL advertising
[note: to appear in national and local newspapers and magazines]
* Inclusion of Sponsor (name, logo and website) in ALL posters (1,000) & handbills (50,000).
* Inclusion of Sponsor (name, logo and website) in 5,000 piece direct mailing.
* Inclusion of Sponsor (name, logo and website) in 5,000 email mailing.
* Website Link (name, logo and website) on DeanFriedman.com website (50,000 impressions monthly).
* Complimentary tickets.
And just so the US contingent doesn't feel too left out, I just confirmed a gig in a brand new music venue located '...deep in the bosom of suburbia', in Paramus, NJ, my old stomping grounds. It's called the Paramus Picture Show, located on Rt.4 between Saddle River Road and Rt.17. Tickets for the Paramus gig will go on sale in another week. Meanwhile, here are the details, so you can put it on your calendars:
Dean Friedman
The Paramus Picture Show
Saturday, April 17.
It's a cool new venue, by the way. I did a quickie guest spot a few weeks back when legendary musician, David Bromberg, was doing a gig there with his smokin' 8 piece band. David was a big musical influence, a really nice guy and he also is the person that introduced me to my very first managers. (I still tease him about that.) Anyway, it was a terrific evening and it's a great venue for listening to good music. I'll be trying out some of the new stuff too, so come and hear me forget the lyrics to these tunes for the very first time!
Well, that's about all for now. All sorts of other peculiar things going on but no time to get into it all just now. Meanwhile, this morning a pair of frisky squirrels were frolicking on the roof of my treehouse. A sure sign that spring is just around the corner.
Everybody be well.
Questions, comments, and suggestions to Dean |