Leaky Transmissions
Volume 6, Issue 10 - December 16, 2002
Hey Folks,
First, I just want to say thanks to everyone that came out to the Turning Point gig Saturday night. It's always a fun place for me to play, but for some reason, I especially enjoyed myself this time. Catch you at the next one.
Meanwhile, all Holiday orders, received as of December 12 have been shipped and should get to the UK within 7 to 10 days in time for Christmas, sooner in the US. But, please note: there are still a few CD's ( and plenty of 'Rocking Chair' Mousepads) sitting on the shelves, so, if you're still stuck for that special something to get that special someone for the holidays, if you ORDER by Dec. 15, it should still get there in time.
It's been a hectic year in the Friedman household, but, fortunately everybody's well and we're all surviving the normal vicissitudes of suburban life - busted oil-burners, leaky transmissions, missing socks, raccoons in the trash, live sparrow in the den (courtesy of one of the cats - neither has confessed), blown-away chimney tops ( I got to practice my rope climbing technique)...
I did a few Chanukah concerts and we ate a lot of potato latkes and we're all looking forward to Christmas and New Years vacation when life slows down for a bit. (Even the tax collector takes time off!)
Not sure why, but, in the face of all common sense, I'm feeling quite positive about 2003. I've got new songs to write and a new album to record and I've already started booking dates for a UK Tour in the autumn.
I know things seem a trifle precarious, at the moment, but, hopefully, we'll find some way to avert an all-out war in the Middle-East. After watching my 12 year old, Sam, spend hours at a time, immersed in a virtual world of online video games, my current proposal for world peace is to provide free Sony Playstation 2 Game Machines to every 20-something unattached male that's running around the world with a real submachine gun looking for something to shoot at or blow up. The hi-res 3D graphics in today's video games are much cooler than the real thing, have an instant replay feature and come with a radical soundtrack.
And, hopefully, the only effect of global warming will just be lots of fun new WaterParks opening up all over the world as the polar icecaps melt and the oceans rise. This could solve the overfishing problem as the fish will have lots more room to swim around in.
Aside from all that extra sushi, an added benefit of reduced land mass will be that the next killer meteor to strike the planet earth will be less likely to hit a major population center, landing relatively harmlessly in the vast oceans and creating no more than a great big splash and a few tsunamis (humungous tidal waves). This will serve only to further erode the already abandoned coastal areas, creating pristine new beaches and uncrowded resort areas. If it happens on a sunny day, we might even see a rainbow. (See, I'm trying to be positive here.)
It's possible. I mean, you never know... Things might actually get better!
They do sometimes. Get better, that is.
So, with that in mind, I wish all of you happy Holidays and a peaceful and healthy New Year.
Be well and all the best,
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