The ongoing adventures of a hapless singer/songwriter.  Vol. 1. Episode 4.

'A Squirrel's Gotta Do What A Squirrel's Gotta Do'  page 5







Have you guys gone completely NUTS!!!???


Now, you don't have to get all huffy about it, Dean. It's not like it'll be coming out of your pocket. It's insurance for goodness sakes!






Now listen, you three... nobody won the lottery, today. Earl, you know perfectly well there was no negligence involved. And with all due respect to your pal Gunther and the lovely Dolores, this whole thing looks like a setup.


 [whisper, whisper, whisper...]


O.K. We're reasonable critters. We'd be willing to settle for, oh... let's say... two bushels of acorns!!! What do you say, Dean? Do we have a deal?

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