DeanZine - April 2004


  Ask Amelia  






Dear Amelia,

What kind of ape are you and what's it like living with Dean?

Signed: Curious.


Dear Curious:   First of all, I'm not an ape, I'm a monkey. Apes - chimps and gorillas - come from Africa and have no tails. Monkeys, such as myself, come from South America and have quite lovely tails, thank you very much. I'm known as a capuchin monkey [Cebus Capucinus], named for the light-colored cowl-like hair on my forehead which supposedly resembles the cowls worn by the Capuchin and Franciscan Monks. As for living with Dean, well, he's pretty messy and keeps strange hours and is always making a lot of noise in his studio, but other than those minor annoyances we get along just fine.

Dear Amelia,

Do you think Dean will ever come out with a Songbook?

Signed: An ardent strummer.


Dear Strummer:   Dean would love to put out a Songbook but the time necessary and production costs are significant and so it's been a painstakingly slow process. I know he's determined to do so one of these days (hopefully 2005), so if you're patient - and manage to live another twenty or thirty years - I'm sure you'll be able to order one off the website and learn to play all your favorite songs. Meanwhile, you'll find a few TAB arrangments of Dean's songs by Martin Phee at the following link:  .

Dear Amelia,

Every spring I come down with a bad case of the flees. What can I do about it?

Signed - Perpetually Itchy

Dear Itchy:  Keep scratching.

Dear Amelia,

Every spring I am forcefully evicted from my warm, humble abode, left to fend for myself on the mean streets.

Signed - Perpetually Homeless

Dear Homeless:  It's obvious that you're simply fleeing from responsibility. Get a real job, and you'll be able to afford a permanent residence instead of a transitory mobile home.




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